Jobson’s Cove 1
A tiny jewel of a beach, nearly encircled by protective rocks and colourful shrubbery, just west of Warwick Long Bay. It is ideal for families with good swimming and snorkelling in shallow water. Bermuda has over 100 beautiful coves, bays and beaches in its 21 square miles. Available as conventional puzzle.
The Clocktower Centre, Royal Naval Dockyard 2
The Royal Naval Dockyard, a nineteenth century fortress was the largest, most important part of the Duke of Wellington’s scheme that Bermuda become the "Gibraltar of the West". Today where troops once marched there are shops,restaurants, a local craft market, cinema and the Bermuda Maritime Museum. Available as conventional puzzle
Hamilton from Harbour Road 3
Probably the most picturesque capital city in the world, Bermuda's Hamilton is the first destination for many cruise shp visitors, who enjoy the arrays of pastel-coloured shops on Front Street,where a bobby on duty in the Birdcage directs the traffic of horse and buggies, pink busses and tourist mopeds.
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Gibb's Hill Lighthouse 4
Probably the best view of Bermuda's from the top of the lighthouse. Risings to 362 foot above sea level Gibb's Hill Lighthouse is only the second cast-iron lighthouse ever constructed.
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Flatts Village 5
The tranquil setting of Flatts, with its tidal access to the Harrington Sound, is home to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. Its attractions include pink flamingoes. The inlet is a safe haven for fishing boats and pleasure craft.
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Racing Yachts 6
With flags flying the yachts decorate the Harbour after the Newport-Bermuda or Marrion Races.
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